Wednesday, March 28, 2012


No sooner do I get the grow box in and the ground ready to go and it's Utah.  Cold and overcast... Greenhouse or not, it's cold.  I have the squash and cucumbers started and they are cold and slow.

I'm pretty sure that it takes sunshine and warmth to make things grow.  I have been watering the starts and checking on them for 5 days and still nothing.  SIGH!!!

So... I am hoping and praying that we get a few days of sun to go along with our 50-60 plus degrees of weather, or I will have to bring all the starts in the house where we are 70 and no sunshine.

It is what it is I know, but it would help just to see the seed breaking through the soil line.  That way I would feel like I'm doing ok.  I want to plant the peas and carrots in the soil, but that is hard to do until I see the starts in the peat pots coming up just a tad.

Patience isn't my strength.  Gardens whether they be vegetables or flowers require some patience, and mine are pretty thin at this point in time.  Sigh... As I take a deep breath... and roll my shoulders, stretch my legs and arms and give it another day...

Will keep updating when I have more info or a pix or two to show improvements to the garden.

Right now... I get to play the waiting game.

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