Wednesday, October 22, 2008


And Halloween Pix's

As of Oct. 30 I will be a stay at home caretaker of Mark and Mike's wife...

No more going to the office...

The Legislature canceled my job... closed down our agency...

As of Nov 1, 2008 no child in Utah will be reviewed by the (required law) citizen panel...Oops!!!

I am saddened by that part...
loving the stay at home part...
but worry about the future of the children in foster care... in the state of Utah...

I will soon be 56...
I am really the baby in the group...
John and Louise are both already there :) hehe...
John in January and Louise in April...
But I can get discounts as a senior citizen...
that has to help with aging points :) lol

This political mess we are in right now is pretty hot...
I am soooooooooo not into politics.
Oh well... I will vote, and do my best...

The garden is ready for winter... I even put it's blanket on... just straw, but a lovely blanket all the same...

The pumpkins have new homes...

The kittens have new homes...

The garage has a new resident... the van... hehe and hoping for another renter... the car...

We have made a few changes in the yard... we have a drain and a V for the water to run more basement flooding for us...

The new porch light got fixed and have half of the new garage lights up and ready to go...

We have taken down the "old" garden fencing.

We have planted a rose bush.

See we did get a few things done this past summer...

I am soooooooooo looking forward to winter and sitting in a warm blanket watching some tv...

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Updated my blog...

View the slideshow


check out my music...


Maybe since my job is done the end of October, I will have a bit more time to work on this blog and update it more often with idea's and pictures and the like...

Sweet Dreams
See you tomorrow

My Cousin...Karren

Karren was a Lindsay, my dad's cousin, in fact.

Then she was adopted by my mom's sister, Neva.

So, she was a blood relative to us, and will be missed by many.

The "C" got her... she is now out of pain and reunited with "Family"...

This picture was taken when Sherm passed away.
She came out to Utah for the funeral.
We hadn't seen her for a few years.
Mark and Karren...

October is here!!!

It's that time of the year that I enjoy very much.
The colors of the leaves on the trees... the cooler temps...the garden is done for the summer and now I can concentrate on the inside of my mess... ooops, I mean the house...

Here are a few of my pumpkins that I grew for the grandkids.

As the temps have dropped all of the pumpkins are turning orange and I am finding more than I thought I had... The first count was 7... then 9 and now... Oh my heck...

We have had 2 days of rain and mud making moments in the garden. I can't get in there for a few days to get those that were cut and moved to the main area of the garden.

It is soooooooooo much fun... Tanner is ready to get his pumpkin and I will be taking pictures of them getting their pumpkins and taking them home...