Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We are Prepping the "For Sale" Sign

The bing cherry is loaded and the birds are starting

to come to get their share...

The tree is so heavy that the limbs are hanging very low to the ground.

Tanner climbed up to see if we had any 'bird nests'...

I am thinking it's one of his first trees...or else he isn't into HEIGHTS. (like his mom) :)

The apricot tree is loaded.

The rabbit hutch is empty.

The garden has onions and garlic...doing very well.

The pool has moved to Margaret's house... the pump looks lonely...

She is getting ready to get it up and filled with tons of water and the solar heater on... so we can swim and party.

I am now cleaning and tossing and getting things out of here.
Moving them to the BARN!!!
Can't sell the house with clutter, and we have a 3 car garage that we can't get 1 car into.
Left over Al's apartment...
Left over John's apartment...
Left over from my parent's house,
Chris' stuff, tons of stuff...

We are having a garage sell in the neighborhood during memorial day weekend... 10 families...

So watch our progress and give me ideas and hints to keep things moving...

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