Sunday, October 05, 2008

October is here!!!

It's that time of the year that I enjoy very much.
The colors of the leaves on the trees... the cooler temps...the garden is done for the summer and now I can concentrate on the inside of my mess... ooops, I mean the house...

Here are a few of my pumpkins that I grew for the grandkids.

As the temps have dropped all of the pumpkins are turning orange and I am finding more than I thought I had... The first count was 7... then 9 and now... Oh my heck...

We have had 2 days of rain and mud making moments in the garden. I can't get in there for a few days to get those that were cut and moved to the main area of the garden.

It is soooooooooo much fun... Tanner is ready to get his pumpkin and I will be taking pictures of them getting their pumpkins and taking them home...


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. You've always had a green thumb and now you have an orange thumb. By the way, I left all the squash at your house I picked. I'm still salavating over that one.

Louise said...

whoops. the anonymous is me. Louise