Saturday, September 15, 2007

Washin' Dishes at Gramma's...

Oh the Joys of Washing Dishes
Enjoy it
For it won't last for very long...

Maybe it's the great time they have at Gramma's house. Now, everytime Ady comes over, she thinks she needs to do my dishes... And maybe she does!!!

It took 5 towels just for the floor.

They think they are just playing in the water.

But this is how they learn.

Of course I bet Matthew had a few really great diapers after the dishsoap got done with him...

Dishsoap cleans...inside and out. Just about anything it touches!!!

Matthew can wash dishes anytime he wants...

Can you believe he even cried when they were done!!!

Well maybe they weren't done,
but Gramma was (hehe)!!!

Ady is such a good sister..."It's otay Mafu".

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